The Financial Mechanics Report©

See exactly which levers to pull to 2X your profit, 3X your cash flow and 5X your business valuation in the next 12 months…..or less

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17 Pages:

Bespoke analysis of your business 

Facts based:

Built on 1-4 years of your accounts data

Clear and simple:

45 easy to read graphs, charts and tables

Get your 17-page personalised Financial Mechanics Report© 

The Financial Mechanics Report© has been created to help answer the number one question for business owners; How do I get the profit, cash and valuation I want from my business?

The Financial Mechanics Report© is the starting point of the journey to help you double your profit, triple your cashflow and increase the value of your business five fold.

Our qualified accountant team will analyse your last 1-4 years of trading information, to create your personalised Financial Mechanics Report©.

Grab a sample report (no email required)

This will tell you exactly which of the Seven Core Drivers of Profit, Cashflow and Business Value to push and pull.

You’ll then step through and optimise each of those Seven Core Drivers on a 1-2 hour call with Business Growth Institute CEO, Shaun Walsh, so the decisions you make are robust, realistic, and sustainable.

Request your report today

Understand how money flows through your business

The pandemic has brought business profitability into sharp focus. Mass business closures, supply chain issues, the boom in online sales, and Brexit, have all had a huge impact (both good and bad) on SMEs. What’s more, in 2021 the economy is predicted to have a sharp bounce back providing huge opportunities for businesses that are already planning for profit and better cashflow. 

The Financial Mechanics Report© provides the critical insight you need, combined with our decades of strategic FD experience to show you exactly how your numbers can stack up to increase your profitability and the cash in the bank.

Leaving you to finally enjoy more money, more time, and less stress

See where you’re leaking profit and cash

Pinpoint exactly where to focus your time and energy for maximum profit and cash growth.

Know which levers to pull to get back on track

For sustainable profits that increase in a predictable way over time, giving you the Firm Financial Foundations to build from.

Get strategic support with decades of experience

Making more profit and increasing cashflow is simple, but it’s not easy. You need experts who have the experience to solve problems, spot opportunities and help you turn plans into reality.

Request your report today

Within its 17 pages, including 45 charts and tables, The Financial Mechanics Report©  crystallises all the key figures in your business and gives you clear and easy to understand conclusions. We make the numbers simple so you know exactly what to do to double your profit.

Once we’ve analysed your business data, you will get a detailed Financial Mechanics call with Business Growth Institute CEO Shaun Walsh. You’ll talk through your current profit and cashflow position, where you want to get to, and together you will step through the Seven Core Drivers of Profit and Cashflow© to create a profit hypothesis which is bespoke for your business. 

Out of that session, your Financial Mechanics Report© will give you a personalised target profit number AND where you need to take actions in your business over the next 12 months to deliver that improved profit number.

Who should buy this report?

This report is perfect for business owners and leadership teams of businesses from a few hundred thousand pound turnover up to £10 million or more. In particular, we find it’s most helpful for business owners who are generating at least £50k of profit per year as the changes we recommend as part of your profit hypothesis for the next 12 months will have a significant impact. This is also ideal for business owners looking to increase the value of their business in preparation for exit.


How much is the Financial Mechanics Report?

Your bespoke and personalised Financial Mechanics Report© and profit model to Double Your Profit is £1,500 (+VAT). Our typical client is already generating tens or hundreds of thousands in profit, so a plan to double that represents a phenomenal return on investment.

Want your Financial Mechanics Report?

Request your report with some basic details today and we will contact you to get started.

Request your report now

Start in three simple steps:

We like to keep things simple so that we can quickly start helping you. It only takes three steps to get started:

Request your Financial Mechanics Report©. Our highly experienced finance team will request and then analyse your account information for the last 2-4 years and crunch the numbers adding the Financial Mechanics of your business into the Financial Mechanics Report©

We’ll send you a draft report showing the effect of a 1% change in each of the Seven Core Drivers. We’ll then talk you through this in a 1-2 hour session, looking at your current profit position, what profit you’d like to get to, and then using the Seven Core Drivers to create a plan to get you there.

You’ll then get your updated 17-page Financial Mechanics Report bespoke to your business that shows you exactly which levers you need to push and pull and by how much to reach your target profit number or to Double Your Profit or more.

Request your report now

Get clarity

Few people need more business ideas. What you need is to know which drivers are important. To focus you and your team on those and have a practical plan to execute around them.

That’s why we help businesses to Focus On The Finances First. Generating profit and cashflow solves a lot of problems. When you plan for profit, you are truly on the path to sustainable growth and the freedom that you want.

The Financial Mechanics Report© provides many additional benefits:

  • Board-level view - Our diagnostic process has been designed and refined across 100’s of organisations. Your bespoke report will give you a Board-Level view of where to focus energy, time, and resource to deliver better, and more sustainable, profit, cashflow and increases in business value.
  • Cascade information across your business - Share the insight from your report with your management team and workshop ideas on how to change these to drive ownership of the Seven Core Drivers and accountability for results. As you get alignment throughout your business your people will manage your numbers for you.
  • A proven profit framework - The Business Growth Institute team will use their proven approach combined with decades of experience helping 100s of businesses to help you make more profit. Helping you understand which levers/ratios to fine-tune and what actions you need to take as a result to deliver improved profitability
  • Eliminate wasted cash - We hate waste. Wasted profit. Wasted effort. Wasted resources. We can help you deliver consistent sustainable profits.

If you're ready to create the successful, profitable business you've always wanted then request your Financial Mechanics Report© today

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Complete this form to request your Financial Mechanics Report© today